تفاصيل الوثيقة

نوع الوثيقة : مقال في مجلة دورية 
عنوان الوثيقة :
الأمتحانات السريرية لكلية الطب .
Guidelines For The Administration of Oral Examinations: Review And Opinion.
لغة الوثيقة : الانجليزية 
المستخلص : Practical oral examinations are considered an important and often a difficult part of medical school examinations. They represent an accurate and direct mean of assessing student’s interaction with patients and their clinical and technical skills. This paper reviews an outline for the administration of oral examinations. The review is based on the medical literature, detailed discussions with many senior examiners from different medical systems, and the author’s personal experience. In summary, although examiner’s judgment is crucial, some general rules remain important for fair and consistent evaluation of students. First, examiner’s attitudes should be as friendly as possible with an objective aimed to assess student’s medical competence and practical safety. Secondly, scoring should be based on a model answer or well accepted medical practices for consistent rating. Finally, each examiner should give an independent score before discussing the final rating with the other examiners. 
ردمد : 1059-7794 
اسم الدورية : Saudi Medical Journal 
المجلد : 11 
العدد : 21 
سنة النشر : 2000 هـ
2000 م
نوع المقالة : مقالة علمية 
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع : Saturday, March 13, 2010 


اسم الباحث (عربي)اسم الباحث (انجليزي)نوع الباحثالمرتبة العلميةالبريد الالكتروني
محمد جانjan, Mohammed باحثدكتوراه 


اسم الملفالنوعالوصف
 25942.doc doc 

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